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लॉकडाउन के बीच बॉलीवुड एक्टर एजाज खान हुए गिरफ्तार, लगा ये आरोप...

फेसबुक पर आपत्तिजनक पोस्ट डालने के लिए अभिनेता एजाज खान (Ajaz Khan) गिरफ्तार एक्टर... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

तैमूर अली खान ने लॉकडाउन में दीवार पर बनाई पेंटिंग, तो मॉम करीना कपूर का यूं आया रिएक्शन...

कोरोनावायरस (Coronavirus) संक्रमण के खतरे के कारण देश में लॉकडाउन चल रहा है. हालांकि,... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

पश्चिम बंगाल में तृणमूल सरकार बीजेपी को राहत कार्य करने से रोक रही : जेपी नड्डा

बीजेपी अध्यक्ष जेपी नड्डा ने पश्चिम बंगाल की तृणमूल कांग्रेस सरकार की... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

युवराज सिंह का बड़ा बयान, कहा- बच्‍चों की तुलना एमएस धोनी से मत करो

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Coronavirus: दिल्ली के क्वारेंटाइन सेंटर से भागा युवक हरियाणा में पकड़ा गया

Coronavirus: दिल्ली के एक क्वारेंटाइन (Quarantine) सेंटर से भागे 22 वर्षीय युवक को हरियाणा... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

Giant mouse lemur

Giant mouse lemur . The giant mouse lemurs (genus Mirza) are primates native to Madagascar, like all other lemurs. The two described species, the northern (pictured) and Coquerel's giant mouse lemurs, are found in the western dry deciduous forests, Sambirano valley and Sahamalaza Peninsula. In 1870, British zoologist John Edward Gray assigned them to Mirza, but the classification was not widely accepted until the 1990s, following the revival of the genus by American paleoanthropologist Ian Tattersall in 1982. Giant mouse lemurs weigh approximately 300 g (11 oz) and have a long, bushy tail. They sleep in nests during the day and forage alone at night for fruit, tree gum, insects, and small vertebrates. The northern species has the largest testicles relative to body size of any living primate. Predators of giant mouse lemurs include the Madagascar buzzard, Madagascar owl, fossa, and narrow-striped mongoose. Both Mirza species are endangered due to habitat destruction and huntin...

WhatsApp की सीक्रेट ट्रिक! बिना Group बनाएं एक साथ 256 लोगों को भेजें Message

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Coronavirus: महाराष्ट्र सरकार ने मीडिया से घर-घर अखबार और पत्रिकाएं पहुंचाने से बचने को कहा

Coronavirus: महाराष्ट्र के मुख्यमंत्री कार्यालय (सीएमओ) ने शनिवार को कहा कि स्टॉलों... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

बिहार के पूर्वी चंपारण जिले में एक ही परिवार के तीन सदस्यों की हत्या

बिहार के पूर्वी चंपारण जिला के हरसिद्धि थाना क्षेत्र में एक ही परिवार के तीन... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

Coronavirus: वाघा बॉर्डर से पाकिस्तान भेजी गईं मां-बेटी COVID-19 पॉजिटिव मिलीं

Coronavirus: कल वाघा बॉर्डर से पाकिस्तान भेजे गए 41 पाकिस्तानी नागरिकों से दो कोरोना... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

एचडी कुमारस्वामी के बेटे की लॉकडाउन में हुई शादी, तो बॉलीवुड एक्टर ने कसा तंज, बोले- जब लाखों लोग बिना खाने के...

लॉकडाउन (Lockdown) के बीच कर्नाटक के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री एचडी कुमारस्वामी (H.D. Kumaraswamy)... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

Coronavirus Pandemic LIVE Updates: At Least 20 Indian Navy Personnel Test Positive for Covid-19 in Mumbai

Coronavirus Pandemic latest news: The death toll in India due to the novel coronavirus has risen to 452, with 32 fatalities reported since Thursday evening. from Top India News-

Chadwick Boseman's Dramatic Weight Loss Leaves Fans in Shock

Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman recently alarmed his fans when he seemed to have lost a considerable amount of weight in his new Instagram post. from Top Movies News-

आज ही हुआ था IPL का जन्म,इस बल्लेबाज ने सिर्फ '23 गेंदों में बना डाले 118 रन'

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Coronavirus: एसएंडपी ने भी भारत की वृद्धि दर का अनुमान घटाकर 1.8 प्रतिशत किया

Coronavirus: क्रेडिट रेटिंग एजेंसी एसएंडपी ग्लोबल रेटिंग्स ने कोरोना वायरस के... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

Vision Zero Monthly Highlights

Vision Zero Monthly Highlights By Vision Zero SF is the City’s road safety policy that will build safety and livability into our streets, protecting the one million people who move about the City every day. From education to traffic engineering, from enforcing traffic laws to changing public policy, Vision Zero SF is driving an agenda to change the way we think and act on San Francisco streets. This month, we’re featuring some improvements to benefit motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians. Here is a list of what we’ve been working on this past month: Safe Streets in the Year of the Rat Safety Improvements to Page Street New Daylighting and Crosswalks Published April 18, 2020 at 05:03AM

भारतीय मूल के नोबेल विजेता वैज्ञानिक होंगे ब्रिटेन के COVID-19 विशेषज्ञ समूह के अध्यक्ष

Coronavirus: भारतीय मूल के वैज्ञानिक और नोबेल पुरस्कार विजेता प्रोफेसर वेंकी... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

Coronavirus: हाईकोर्ट ने कहा- पश्चिम बंगाल में युद्धस्तर पर कोविड-19 की जांच की जरूरत

Coronavirus: कलकत्ता उच्च न्यायालय ने शुक्रवार को पश्चिम बंगाल सरकार से कोविड-19 के... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

NASA 27 मई को अंतरराष्ट्रीय अंतरिक्ष स्टेशन के लिए पहला SpaceX रॉकेट लॉन्च करेगा

नासा (NASA) ने कहा है कि वह स्पेस-एक्स रॉकेट 27 मई को अंतरराष्ट्रीय अंतरिक्ष... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

William Bonville, 1st Baron Bonville

William Bonville, 1st Baron Bonville . William Bonville, 1st Baron Bonville (1392–1461), was a powerful landowner in southwest England. Undertaking royal service, he fought in France in the later years of the Hundred Years' War. In 1415, he joined the English invasion of France in the retinue of Thomas, Duke of Clarence, Henry V's brother, and fought on the Agincourt campaign. In 1437, King Henry VI granted Bonville the profitable office of steward of the Duchy of Cornwall, passing over and enraging Bonville's powerful neighbour Thomas Courtenay, Earl of Devon. His dispute with Bonville descended into violence, and the feud continued intermittently for the next decade. In 1453, Henry became ill and entered a catatonic state for eighteen months; Bonville generally seems to have remained loyal to the king, although his guiding motivation was to support whoever would aid him in his feud. In 1461, he took part on the losing side in the Second Battle of St Albans during the W...

Brazil’s Bolsonaro Fires Health Minister After Virus Dispute, Claims He Was 'Full of Himself'

Mandetta, a doctor, garnered popular support for his pandemic response that included promotion of broad isolation measures enacted by state governors. from Top World News-

Covid-19: IMF Approves Nearly $1.4 Billion to Pakistan to Meet Balance of Payment Crisis

The International Monetary Fund Thursday approved disbursement of USD 1.386 billion as a financial assistance to Pakistan to meet its urgent balance of payment needs stemming from the COVID-19 outbreak. from Top World News-

‘They Rocked Our Clients’ Worlds’: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Hand Out Meals in Los Angeles

The pair, who have formally stepped down as senior members of the British royal family, first volunteered with Project Angel Food last Sunday, delivering food to homes. from Top World News-

Elizabeth Warren Says She Would Accept an Offer to Serve as Veep if Joe Biden Offered

Biden, who was Barack Obama's vice president, has vowed to pick a woman to be his running mate and said he would name a committee to help him vet a shortlist of names soon. from Top World News-

Premier League Clubs to Debate How to Finish Season Amid Coronavirus Crisis on Friday

Premier League action has been suspended since March due to coronavirus and the financial fall-out is causing clubs to worry about potentially huge losses. from Top Sports News-

चीन की प्रयोगशाला में पैदा हुआ होगा कोरोना वायरस, इसकी जांच होनी चाहिए : अमेरिका

Coronavirus: अमेरिका के राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप का मंत्रिमंडल कोरोना वायरस से... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

Coronavirus Covid-19 Live Update: देश में कोरोना संक्रमित मरीजों की संख्या 13 हजार के करीब, अब तक 420 की मौत

Coronavirus India Live Updates: पिछले 24 घंटों में कोरोना के 826 नए मामले सामने आए हैं और 28 लोगों की... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

UP Coronavirus: मुरादाबाद में मेडिकल टीम पर हमले के पीछे वायरल वीडियो है कारण

Coronavirus: मुरादाबाद में हेल्थ वर्करों पर हमला करने के 17 आरोपियों पर 19 दफ़ाओं में... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

अंपायर ने एक्शन पर उठाए सवाल, 7 नोबॉल दीं, फिर बना वनडे-टेस्ट का सबसे कामयाब गेंदबाज

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धोनी और सलमान में से किसी एक को चुनने का मतलब ‘माता और पिता’ में चुनना: जाधव

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धोनी को 20 साल पहले आया था गुस्सा, मुझे डांटा तो कांप गया था: कुलदीप यादव

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Coronavirus: इंदौर से क्वारंटाइन से भागे यूपी के चार कोरोना पॉजिटिव जमाती मुरैना में पकड़े गए

Coronavirus: मुरैना पुलिस को गुरुवार की रात में बड़ी सफलता मिली है. पुलिस ने केलों से... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

Coronavirus: न्यूयॉर्क में हालात में सुधार आने के बावजूद लॉकडाउन 15 मई तक बढ़ाया गया

Coronavirus Lockdown: न्यूयॉर्क के गवर्नर एंड्रयू कुओमो ने राज्य में बंद की अवधि 15 मई तक... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

Abbasid invasion of Asia Minor (806)

Abbasid invasion of Asia Minor (806) . The Abbasid invasion of Asia Minor in 806 CE was an attack by the Abbasid Caliphate against the Byzantine Empire in southeastern and central Asia Minor. Soon after his accession in 802, the Byzantine emperor Nikephoros I ceased paying tribute to the Caliphate and attacked it. In retaliation, Harun al-Rashid, the Abbasid caliph, invaded Byzantium with a force far larger than any seen before. The Abbasid army met no opposition and raided at will, capturing several towns and fortresses, including Herakleia, whose fall was celebrated by the Caliph's propaganda. Nikephoros was forced to seek peace and resume paying tribute. Harun exacted a personal tax on the Emperor and his heir, Staurakios, as a token of their submission and withdrew. Almost immediately Nikephoros violated the peace terms, but Harun's preoccupation with a rebellion prevented reprisal. Harun's death, the Abbasid civil war, and Nikephoros' Bulgarian wars prevented the ...

WHO, Allies Lament Trump Cut to US Funding as Coronavirus Rages

The head of the World Health Organization on Wednesday lamented the US decision to halt funding for the UN agency, promising a review of its decisions while sidestepping President Donald Trump's complaints about its alleged mismanagement, cover-up and missteps. from Top World News-

Lockdown: 24 घंटे में 4 करोड़ से ज़्यादा लोगों ने डाउनलोड किया आरोग्य सेतु ऐप

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सलमान खान ने डॉक्टर्स और पुलिस पर पथराव करने वालों को लगाई फटकार, बोले- ऐसी नौबत न आ जाए कि...देखें Video

सलमान खान (Salman Khan) ने लोगों को घर में ही रहकर प्रार्थना करने की भी सलाह दी है.... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

NBA star Karl-Anthony Towns' Mother Dies of Coronavirus

Minnesota Timberwolves' Karl-Anthony Towns' mother Jacqueline had been battling with coronavirus for several weeks. from Top Sports News-

Ronaldinho Enjoys 'Golden Cell' in Paraguay Capital Locked Down Due to Coronavirus

Ronaldinho is under house arrest in an exclusive hotel in Asuncion where a ballroom has been set up to allow him to practice his football skills. from Top Sports News-

Update: Route and Stop Changes

Update: Route and Stop Changes By Bradley Dunn With a shortage of operators, car cleaners and other key personnel, Muni has implemented  significant reductions to Muni service . The COVID19 pandemic has disrupted many parts of everyday life, including transit. As everyone is getting used to our new  Muni Core Service Plan , some key routes are continuing to run but are using different stops. And, other changes have been made in response to customer feedback.   As a reminder, during this public health emergency, we are asking San Franciscans to:  Comply with the shelter-in-place directive  Only make essential trips  Use Muni only for those essential trips that can’t be made in other ways  The following changes went in effect on Wednesday, April 8. All of these are in place until further notice with mulit-lingual signs-up at all stops detail the ...

When Leonardo DiCaprio Wanted to Play Lead in 'American Psycho' But the Director Didn't Agree

Though Christian Bale was always the first choice of director Mary Harron for the lead role, things changed when Leonardo DiCaprio expressed interest in 'American Psycho'. from Top Movies News-

Aditya Narayan on Staging Wedding Gimmick with Neha Kakkar on Indian Idol: We Were Just Doing Our Jobs

"No channel in this entire country will be happy if you give them a music show with just music. People do not watch Indian Idol just to listen to music," says Aditya Narayan. from Top Movies News-

Soundarya Sharma Approaches Indian Embassy, MEA to Return Home from LA

The actor said she "humbly requests" the Indian embassy and the MEA for a "stimulus package" for students and fellow Indians who are stuck in the US. from Top Movies News-

कोरोना के खौफ के बीच स्मिथ को झटका,परिवार के इस सदस्‍य ने दुनिया को अलविदा कहा

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ये है आजीवन बैन होने वाला पहला क्रिकेटर,पैसों के लिए बेच दी पाकिस्तान की इज्जत

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स्टेन के मुरीद हुए ये 3 दिग्गज खिलाड़ी, बताया मौजूदा दौर का बेस्ट गेंदबाज

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Coronavirus: रांची के हॉट स्पॉट से लोगों के दूसरे इलाकों में जाने पर हाई कोर्ट सख्त, नोटिस जारी किए

Jharkhand Coronavirus: झारखंड हाई कोर्ट ने रांची में लॉकडाउन के दौरान कोरोना वायरस के हॉट... from NDTV Khabar - Latest

Coronavirus: रायपुर में बच्चों की किलकारियों से गूंज रहा AIIMS का कोरोना वार्ड

Coronavirus: छत्तीसगढ़ की राजधानी रायपुर स्थित अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान... from NDTV Khabar - Latest